Is it safe to use a filled 12.5kg Cylinder in the Kitchen?
- Author:
Muyiwa Ige(LPG Stakeholder and Consultant)
Yes, it is quite safe to use a filled 12.5kg gas cylinder in your kitchen, provided the cylinder is of superior quality, as well as other gas accessories, such as the gas regulator, gas hose and clips.
As long as you effectively secure the area in your kitchen where the filled 12.5kg gas cylinder is kept, up to the area it is connected to the gas cooker and ensure nothing in the connection is tampered with, you have no reason to be scared of using a filled 12.5kg cylinder in your kitchen.
And as long as you ensure your gas cooker, gas regulator, gas hose(with the clips) and gas cylinder, are in good working order, there should be no cause for alarm with the usage of a filled 12.5kg cylinder for cooking ceremonies in the kitchen.
Also ascertain your kitchen is well ventilated to allow the diffusion of gas vapor and substantially minimize the likelihood of an explosion or gas fire, in case there is a leakage in your gas system.