Why Util Valve Cylinder is the best for LPG Retailers

A cooking gas retailer that decants gas from big cylinders (50-65kg) into their customers’ smaller sized cylinders ( 3kg, 5kg, 6kg, 7kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12.5kg and 25kg) must use the right kind of cylinder for a seamless LPG transfer operation.

The Util valve 50kg cylinder is the best type for an LPG retailer that uses either the manual or pump transfer method of operation.

Ease of Use

The Util filling head (Gas Filler) that is connected to the gas filling hose can easily be fastened into the valve of the supply 50kg cylinder with bare hands.

This is unlike the Nido, or Cut filling heads that require an adjustable spanner or wrench to fasten.


The Util valve is very durable and lasts longer that other valve types.


The Util valve is resistant to corrosion because it is made of high quality brass. It can be kept outdoors under very harsh weather conditions, without getting damaged.

Controlled Failure of the Valve

When the Util valve fails, it does so gradually, unlike other valve types that suddenly fail completely without any warning and can waste all the gas in the cylinder, posing a major fire risk.

Util valves fail gradually, giving the gas retailer ample time to have it replaced.